What is microdosing?



“An extremely small dose” – Merriam-Webster

“The action or practice of taking very small amounts of a drug in order to test or benefit from its physiological actions while minimizing undesirable side effects.” -Oxford

There is no clearly or universally recognized dosage of mushrooms, but a relatively accepted high strength recreational dosage is typically 2-3 grams.  Whereas microdosing dosages can be expected to be between 5-20% of that higher dosage.  This puts microdose servings usually between 100mg to 500mg (or 0.1-0.5 grams).

| So what does this mean? |

Common societal understandings of mushroom consumption goes hand in hand with hallucinating, losing one’s mind, and a general loss of control. It tends to be attached to a community of drug users looking to detach from reality. This can make any level of mushroom consumption intimidating or seem non approachable to an average person. However, that is the beauty of microdosing. It is so approachable for anyone looking to heal, dive inward, or find some relativity in their life.

This is where metabolism, tolerance, and intention come into play.  If I intend to go about my normal day, sharpen my focus, and elevate my mood – all while being able to get work done – I will be taking 100mg, maybe 200mg.  If I have the day off and am looking to get a bit sillier, maybe I will take 200-300mg.  Although still considered in the microdose category, anything above that I would consider to be moving into recreational doses.


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